
Showing posts from July, 2024

Mothers- The Cherished Souls

  Mothers- The Cherished Souls  If a mythological spirit was a real being who could grant wishes on command, I would ask it to immortalize the mothers of this world, for there has never been a time when someone dearly wished that their mother could live forever. Mothers are the epitome of love and by no doubt, the ultimate counsellors of our life. Imagine yourself in the shoes of an orphan- it would be terribly heartbreaking to not have someone as your own. It's hard to even think about my mom being away from me for a year, let alone a lifetime. But now as I start my academic life in a land far from where my mom is, I am left to reminisce about my beautiful mother who can never be replaced by the most powerful of man or the costliest of gems. When I was a kid, people were surprised by how inquisitive and daring I was. Now as I gallop back in time, I can tell from whom I had inherited these traits. Like how every individual's perfect idol is their mother, my mom too is my absolu

Sustainability Starts at Home

  "Sustainability Starts at Home." Sustainability Starts at Home Small Changes, Big Impacts Plastic bags were a questionably interesting replacement for the shuttlecock kicking game when I was a kid. That was what I played with during the cold months of winter, when the growth of clovers was null for a bundle formation. I remember snitching up on some plastic bags from the kitchen– plenty of them were washed and stored in a basket, as in every typical Bhutanese household. As a kid, I was baffled as to why my mother did not spare me a single one, which I had to secretly rummage through when she was not around. At the end of a tiring play, the ragged piece of plastic would wordlessly fly away, carried by the currents of the wind. That was one day, when I learned from her, “Sustainability starts at home.” As individuals, many of us are oblivious to the ecological footprint we create. The impact of one’s lifestyle on the curve of sustainability seems obscure on a personal level–