Mothers- The Cherished Souls

 Mothers- The Cherished Souls 

If a mythological spirit was a real being who could grant wishes on command, I would ask it to immortalize the mothers of this world, for there has never been a time when someone dearly wished that their mother could live forever. Mothers are the epitome of love and by no doubt, the ultimate counsellors of our life. Imagine yourself in the shoes of an orphan- it would be terribly heartbreaking to not have someone as your own. It's hard to even think about my mom being away from me for a year, let alone a lifetime. But now as I start my academic life in a land far from where my mom is, I am left to reminisce about my beautiful mother who can never be replaced by the most powerful of man or the costliest of gems.

When I was a kid, people were surprised by how inquisitive and daring I was. Now as I gallop back in time, I can tell from whom I had inherited these traits. Like how every individual's perfect idol is their mother, my mom too is my absolute best friend. If there was a time machine where I could send a clone of my mom to be born as a teenager in this era, I bet my mom would have taken a keen liking for science and mathematics. My mother, by far, is the most quick-witted person I know and sometimes I wonder how many rungs of success she would have climbed had she been born in this century. Even today, I am often left awestruck as to how she can mentally calculate mathematical operations in her head, despite being very unpunctual in her school days. She was the only one who was genuinely interested in listening to my Physics-Talk and we could debate for hours on a simple physics question without ever keeping track of time. I bet she would have made a great experimental physicist, keeping in account her curiosity and practicality with things.

My mother has a great sense of responsibility and respect for the environment. She is a diligent follower of the three R's- reduce, reuse and recycle. Had she been a young adult this era, I can absolutely visualize her being an enthusiastic environmental activist. Her rationalism and authenticity would have won the hearts of numerous people. As her daughter, I feel proud to have a dynamic mom who can not only make her family feel at home but also handle the superior challenges of life.

As I lean back on this chair and think, a sad, nostalgic longing to be near her again engulfs me. Sometimes, I wish there was a portal through which I could travel to my family and loved ones in a matter of a few seconds. I long to hear the sing-song voice of my mom, preparing my favorite meal and asking me about my day. I think mothers are the most empathetic listeners and advisors we could ever have. They are irreplaceable.

On this most special Mother's Day, I wish all mothers the joys and delights of life. One of the most profound wishes of any mom would be to see her children grow into a humane soul, who could tackle the downfalls of life with optimism. I wish that their wishes are granted.

Happy Mother's Day! 

A mother deserves more than a day to celebrate her life!

We love you all!




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